For all of you who enjoy hiking in the wild, consider taking a visit to the beautiful Santorinios Gorge. This small gorge is about 15 kilometers from our hotel and is located between the villages of Fodele and Marathos.

The gorge is quite short with a length of approximately 1.5 kilometers. It has a particularly dense vegetation and usually, there are lots of small lakes which form from pouring water until spring. These two factors make access quite difficult especially during the winter months. The stream that runs through Santorinios collects its waters from the nearby village of Marathos and the western slopes of Mount Platani. Then these waters are poured into the beautiful river of Fodele.

Most people start upside down from the stream, having as their starting point the monastery of Agios Panteleimonas to the east. Throughout the path, you might encounter several lakes and beautiful little waterfalls. Those who manage to reach the end of the path, are rewarded with the spectacle of an impressive double waterfall, which forms a beautiful lake beneath it that is called Anastasis the Kolymbos.